Good Job!
Don't listen to any of these punk NG users talking trash. Like you said, it is always the ones who have never submitted anything or have the crappy movies themselves that like to put down others. I think alot of depressed young-uns hang out around here (ever notice how many people with the favorite bands Slipsnot, Korn, and such abound?) and putting people down and making others feel bad about thier creations and expressions is what makes them feel good about themselves. ANYWAYS, being a huge Homestar Runner fan, I noticed right off the bat you drew all the graphics yourself. And you had a few nifty effects thrown around, and the actions were matched up to the music pretty well. We would all love to be as good as the boys that make the original Strong Bad, but only a few of us will ever actually get there (actually, never mind. None of us ever will). Anyways, keep up the good work! Try submitting it to Homestarrunner! They have a fan section there and I'm sure would appreciate it alot! Oh, and I have the Trogdor shirt and it was worth every penny!